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Thai women figurines in a temple in Bangkok
© Silvia Sartori 

Project name: Gender Assessment of the Energy Sector in Mozambique

Donor: World Bank

Position held: International Energy and Gender Expert 

Years: Since 2024 - ongoing

Location: Mozambique

Sectors: Renewable energy, access to (clean) energy  

Activities: Supporting the project with (i) gender capacity assessments of energy stakeholders (Ministry, utilities, private sector); (ii) recommendations and international best practices for increasing gender equality in the sector; (iii) development of a 3-year gender roadmap, aligned with the sectoral gender strategy and action plan.

Project name: Support to Waste Management and Development of Circular Economy in Georgia

Donor: EU

Position held: Circular Economy and GESI Specialist

Years: 2024

Location: Georgia

Sectors: Circular economy, waste management, sustainable consumption and production

Activities: (1) Developed the program for a technical study tour on best practices of circular economy  in the waste sector in Italy for a delegation of Ministry officials; (2) Conducted a gender and social inclusion assessment of the current waste management sector in Georgia, with recommendations to mainstream GESI in the circular economy plans of the country.

Project name: Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC)

Donor: Asian Development Bank

Position held: Gender and Climate Trainer

Years: 2024

Location: Kazakhstan

Sectors: Climate change mitigation and adaptation

Activities: Developed and delivered training contents on the Gender and Climate nexus for a dedicated "Gender and Climate Change" capacity building program provided by the ADB for stakeholders of the 11 countries covered by its CAREC Program to address the unique challenges and opportunities that gender dynamics present in climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts in the region.

Project name: Food for Progress 

Donor: United States Department of Agriculture

Position held: Gender and Social Inclusion Expert

Years: 2024

Location: Tunisia

Sectors: Sustainable agriculture, climate change

ActivitiesConducted research and provided support in the design and development of a food security and climate smart agriculture project in Tunisia, funded under the USDA Food for Progress program, ensuring that gender, youth, and social inclusion are effectively integrated throughout the proposal.

Project name: Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia

Donor: EU

Position held: Gender Specialist

Years: Since 2023 - ongoing

Location: Central Asia 

Sectors: Energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy saving 

Activities: Developing and mainstreaming the gender equality and social inclusion work package; overseeing the production of national Gender Assessments; developing project gender action plan and country-specific gender action plans. 

Project name: Promoting Women’s Economic Participation in the Energy Sector in Central Asia

Donor: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)  

Position held: Women in Energy Senior Expert

Years: Since 2022 - ongoing

Location: Austria, Central Asia

Sectors: Access to energy, renewable energy, clean cooking

Activities: Mainstreaming gender into the design and implementation of pilot projects, training and conferences promoting gender equality and women's empowerment in the energy sector in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan). 

Project name: ENERGIA International Network on Gender & Sustainable Energy

Donor: ADB, Sida

Position held: Women’s Economic Empowerment Senior Project Manager

Years: 2021 - 2022

Location: The Netherlands, Sub-Saharan Africa, Nepal

Sectors: Energy, clean cooking 

Activities: Implemented and further developed ENERGIA’s women's economic empowerment portfolio, overseeing and ensuring effective management, implementation and delivery of women’s economic empowerment projects via access to clean energy and promotion of productive uses of energy. Managed the “Gender and Energy Innovation Facility” that fostered innovation on access to clean energy. Strong focus on women’s entrepreneurship, gender mainstreaming in programmes on energy access, just energy transition, climate change, environment.

Project name: Vital Voices Grow
Organisation: Vital Voices Global Partnership 

Position held: Marketing Trainer
Years: 2017 - 2018
Location: Global    
Sectors: Women’s entrepreneurship 
Activities: Coached, advised and trained women SME entrepreneurs from Asia, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa selected for the prestigious global professional incubator for female entrepreneurs “Vital Voices Grow”. Training and coaching sessions included methods to identify business value proposition and effective product/service promotion. Guidance about marketing, communications, social media strategies, customer and market segmentation.

Project name: SWITCH-Asia Network Facility

Donor: EU

Position held: Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Expert

Years: 2013 - 2017

Location: Germany, South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia

Topics: Cross-industry sustainable consumption and production, climate change mitigation adaptation, circular economy, green growth 

Activities: Handled budget of €1.2 million for communication, knowledge management and networking activities in line with EU Project Management and visibility guidelines. Developed the gender component of the Programme: initiated an assessment of the nexus between SCP and gender; produced case studies on SCP and women’s empowerment; conducted analytic study “Advancing Sustainable Development & Women’s Empowerment in Asia”. Stakeholder relations: developed relations and partnerships with European and Asian CSOs and SMEs, municipal, national and international authorities, international organisations, academia, industry associations.

Project name: Train the Trainers
Donor: EU
Position held: Team Leader
Years: 2009 - 2013
Location: China    
Sectors: Energy efficiency, construction, urbanisation
Activities: Responsible for overall EU grant management: project planning and implementation, strategic and operational coordination of the project team, financial management (€3 million), result-based monitoring, quality assurance, internal audits, donor reporting, events. Mainstreamed gender and ensured balanced participation of male and female trainees. Coordinated ca. 50 train the trainer sessions with in total more than 1,500 Chinese SME professionals and government officials across China. Fostered private-public partnerships that led to the development of a self-sufficient training centre the "Sino-European energy-efficient building training and research centre".

Organisation : The Development Executive Group (DevEx) 

Position held: International Development Correspondent
Years: 2008 
Location: Japan   
Sectors: International aid, development and humanitarian cooperation 
Activities: For the social enterprise’s newly set-up Tokyo office provided inputs to the development and outreach of DevEx Japan office, particularly to its strategy of expanding interactions of the Japanese development sector with global counterparts. Helped to increase knowledge and understanding of global development actors, practices and business opportunities at a time when Japanese ODA was declining and the national players had to turn to international funding sources.  

Organisation: EU Chamber of Commerce in China 
Position held: Marketing & Events Manager
Years: 2005 - 2007
Location: China
Sectors: Lobbying and advocacy, trade, private sector support
Activities: Managed and represented the Marketing & Events Department of the Shanghai chapter of the EU Chamber of Commerce in China – the main lobbying and advocacy trade organisation for European private sector in China - working in close cooperation with the Trade Section of the EU Delegation to China. Liaised with foreign SMEs working in China, EU institutions in Europe and China, international branches of the EU Chamber of Commerce, international diplomatic missions, chambers of commerce, local and international media, NGOs and academia.


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