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Wild elephants with their mahour in Lao PDR
© Silvia Sartori 

I am experienced writing, co-authoring and editing reports, analytical studies, policy and technical briefs, and project-related communication products (e.g. case studies).

My portfolio can be viewed 
Silvia Sartori Study on women's empowerment and sustainability in Asia


From keynote speeches to panel discussions, from moderating roles to interviews, I am a regular speaker at conferences, workshops and training sessions on the topics I am most passionate about. 

Here is an example of a recent interview I gave on Climate Change and Gender Inequality.

Public event with Silvia Sartori as keynote speaker


Through my skillset combining subject matter expertise with strong communications skills I also produced videos documenting innovative pilot projects testing new approaches to sustainable solutions. My video documentaries can be viewed here

Furthermore, I have been interviewing officials and policy-makers on sustainability-related topics. 

Video documentaries produced by Silvia Sartori in Asia
Example of interview conducted by Silvia Sartori to policy-makers in Asia


One of the things I enjoy the most, personally and professionally, is mentoring. In partnerships with different organisations in Asia and in Europe, I am actively engaged in mentoring young and mid-career women from Asia and beyond. 

Quote about Silvia Sartori's engagement as a mentor
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